Through a communal front door and stairs rising to the first floor.
Laminate wood flooring, storage cupboard and power points.
Living room
A rear aspect UPVC double glazed window, radiator, feature fireplace, space for dining table and power points.
A front aspect UPVC double glazed window, a range of eye and base level units with complimentary work tops, stainless steel inset sink and drainer, integrated hob, oven and extractor fan, appliance space for a washing machine and fridge freezer. Tile splash back and power points.
Bedroom one
A rear aspect UPVC double glazed window, radiator and power points.
Bedroom two
A rear aspect UPVC double glazed window, radiator and power points.
A partly tiled room with a front aspect UPVC double glazed window, low level W.C vanity wash hand basin and a panel enclosed bath with shower attachment and screen.
General information
Lease length remaining:87
Service Charge: Approx. £51.28 PCM
Ground Rent: Approx. £10 per year
Legal Note:
**Although these particulars are thought to be materially correct, their accuracy cannot be guaranteed and they do not form part of any contract.**